
From words to actions

Specific needs, targeted initiatives

Activities | | Movimento Globale per i Diritti dell’Infanzia

  • iCare is meant to increase their knowledge on the current legal and administrative framework, accelerate the judicial process through creating minimum EU common standards and raise their awareness of judicial cooperation and the application of IFM;
  • iCare will produce a detailed Methodology, inclusive of a Recommendations list, and an E-Platform for Central Authorities, legal practitioners and family mediators, and-both respecting the right of the child to information and increasing the knowledge of parents-it will create an AI Chatbot, serving as a first point of inquiry for children and parents;
  • The project will also provide outputs for awareness-raising, facilitation of mutual learning and effective dissemination (E-Platform, international Workshops, Webinars, Videos, Newsletter and a Final Conference). 

Contact Us

Defence for Children International - Italia

Sede legale e sociale: Piazza Don Andrea Gallo 5-6-7 R - 16124 Genova 
Sede operativa: Via Bellucci 4-6 - 16124 Genova


Tel.010 0899050 Fax 010 0899051
Codice Fiscale 97457060586

Genova Via Bellucci 4-6 mappa
Defence for Children international Italia
Sede legale e sociale: Piazza Don Andrea Gallo 5-6-7 R - 16124 Genova
Sede operativa: Via Bellucci 4-6, 16124 Genova
010 0899050