National Reports on the youth justice system

National Reports on the youth justice system | | Movimento Globale per i Diritti dell’Infanzia

National Reports on the youth justice system
16 April 2024

These reports present the general charateristics and main legislation of the national youth systems in The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Greece and provide an analysis of such systems through the lens of child-friendly justice, in particular the Council of Europe Child-Friendly Justice Principles: Accessibility, Speedy procedures, Diligence, Adapted and focused on the rights of the child, Respecting the right to a due process, Respecting the right to participate in and understand the proceedings, Respecting the right to a private and family life and Respecting the right to integrity and dignity. For each report an Executive Summary is available.

These reports and their Executive Summaries were developed in the framework of the Just Closer project, co-funded by the European Union and are available in English.

The Just Closer Project aims at strengthening the respect of the procedural rights of children and youth in conflict with the justice system by valuing their voices and recommendations and promoting their active participation, while creating a child hub of positive role models and reinforcing skills of professionals working with and for children.


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010 0899050