Co-finance a project

Co-finance a project | | Movimento Globale per i Diritti dell’Infanzia

Co-finance a project


Defence for Children International Italia is an independent organisation which operates autonomously. The European Union co-finances 80% of our projects. The remaining 20% must be co-financed by our association. 

In this section you can find projects needing co-financing at the moment. If you wish to finance a specific project, read the description and follow the steps to donate at the bottom of the page. 


Contact Us

Defence for Children International - Italia

Sede legale e sociale: Piazza Don Andrea Gallo 5-6-7 R - 16124 Genova 
Sede operativa: Via Bellucci 4-6 - 16124 Genova


Tel.010 0899050 Fax 010 0899051
Codice Fiscale 97457060586

Genova Via Bellucci 4-6 mappa
Defence for Children international Italia
Sede legale e sociale: Piazza Don Andrea Gallo 5-6-7 R - 16124 Genova
Sede operativa: Via Bellucci 4-6, 16124 Genova
010 0899050