Guidelines for social mentoring

Guidelines for social mentoring | | Movimento Globale per i Diritti dell’Infanzia

Guidelines for social mentoring

This document presents the guidelines for the implementation of a social mentoring project for unaccompanied children and young people inspired by the methodology of Punt de Referència and incorporating the lessons learned from the European collaboration in the framework of the project Re-Generations among Defence of the Children
(Italy) and ARSIS (Greece).

In addition, it incorporates the knowledge of Mentoring Europe (Netherlands) in the framework of the european project RoAD: RoAD to Adulthood - Mentorship to help unaccompanied Minors navigate adulthood.


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Defence for Children International - Italia

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Defence for Children international Italia
Sede legale e sociale: Piazza Don Andrea Gallo 5-6-7 R - 16124 Genova
Sede operativa: Via Bellucci 4-6, 16124 Genova
010 0899050